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Life Teen

Life Teen

LIFE TEEN, Inc. is an international Catholic ministry that serves the Church and leads teens closer to Christ by providing resources and training that encourage vibrant Eucharistic celebrations and opportunities for teens to grow in their faith. The most prominent facet of LIFE TEEN is the Parish Ministries and Programs division. Through the monthly LIFE Nights, high school teens learn more about their Catholic faith and grow to love the Sacraments, the Word, and the Mass. At a LIFE TEEN parish, a priest, youth minister, the music ministry and a CORE Team of volunteers build an environment where teens feel loved, accepted, and compelled to reach deeper into their faith. LIFE TEEN follows the Church’s mandate to make Jesus Christ the center of everything that we do. It is centered on Jesus, in particular Jesus in the Eucharist. To that end, LIFE TEEN is a total youth ministry program that tries to reach teens of all kinds. This means teens of different social and economic groups, different cultures and races, different interests, talents and spiritual maturity. LIFE TEEN ministers to the “churched” and the “un-churched.” LIFE TEEN is open to all high school teens, freshman through senior year. Teens of all faiths are invited to come.

Life Teen meets on Sunday evenings from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Contact: Owen Seat, 918-813-7857

Contact Information

St. Cecilia Catholic Church
1304 North Dorothy Ave
Claremore, OK 74017

Email: stceciliachurch1304@gmail.com

Parish Office: 918-341-2343
Fax: 918-343-2893