The first Mass was celebrated in Claremore in 1911. A number of years later, a church was built under the direction of Father Joseph Van Gastel, a Belgian missionary, who was the first non-resident pastor to serve the eight to ten Catholic families in the Claremore area. This first church was later destroyed by fire.
After meeting in private homes and the American Legion Hut, Father Ben Forner (1940-1948), the second non-resident pastor, directed the congregation in the construction of a little rock church dedicated to Christ the King. This church is still standing at 328 East Patti Page Boulevard. It was blessed by Bishop Francis C. Kelly in October 1940. Until 1948, Claremore was a mission station to St. William Church, Skiatook. Father Edward Phee (1945-1955) was appointed the first resident pastor in 1948. The Claremore Catholic community used this church until 1973.

Our next three pastors were Father Francis Wrigley (1955-1958), Father Michael Keaninge (1951-1961), and Monsignor Ben Hulschof (1961-1964). In the mid-1950s, the parish membership began to outgrow the small rock church.
Father Frank Warnke (1964-1974), the next pastor, broke ground for a new church at the corner of Dorothy and Falletti. The dedication of this church took place on October 18, 1973, with the first Bishop of Tulsa, Bernard J. Ganter, presiding. This building included the present parish hall (then the sanctuary), six classrooms, a kitchen, and a small parish hall.
Four years later, this facility was outgrown, with a 72% increase in membership from all around Rogers County. Father Warnke was replaced as pastor by Father Robert Pickett (1974-1978). During this time, the parish began serving the Claremore community through the development of the Saint Cecilia Meals-on-wheels program. Father James McGlinchey was appointed Administrator of the parish for a period of one year (1978-1979).
In 1979, Father Daniel Perlinski (1979-1988) became pastor. The following year, Bishop Eusebius Beltran, the second Bishop of Tulsa, broke ground for the present church and additional facilities. These were dedicated on May 23, 1982. Bishop Beltran appointed Deacon Vincent Mrasek (1984-2017) to Saint Cecilia. Deacon Mrasek, though retired, still ministers to the people of Saint Cecilia. On May 8, 1992, parishioner Peter Schmidt was ordained a Deacon and assigned to Saint Cecilia where he served until his death in 2002.

In (1988-1994), Father Steven MacAuley became Pastor of the Parish. Under his leadership, the parish continued to grow, and the mortgage on the new church was satisfied.
In 1994, Father Tim Daley succeeded Father MacAuley as pastor. The parish continued to grow with 700 families and a large number of children enrolled in religious education.
Father Paul Eichhoff was appointed Pastor from June of 1997 to June of 2015. During the summer and fall of 1997, listening sessions were held for all to voice their hopes for the future of the St. Cecilia Parish family. The parish’s generous participation in the Diocesan Development Fund returned funds to the parish, facilitating renovations to the church. Some of the projects completed were a larger gathering space, natural lighting in the worship area, a new reconciliation room, fresh paint, and carpeting. In the Fall of 2003, the Living Stones Campaign was initiated to raise funds to expand the facility to meet the needs of an active and growing Claremore Catholic community. The formal groundbreaking was celebrated on October 31, 2004, and we moved into our building in the fall of 2005. We started Religious Education in January 2006. The mortgage was satisfied in 2013.

In 2015, Father Sylvanus Amaobi succeeded Father Paul Eichhoff as pastor. Over the years, we have discussed the purchase of some properties as they became available, which would enhance the future expansion of our parish facilities. Such properties became available and were purchased. We now have four houses that are being rented to families. Our roof in the Sanctuary, Parish Hall, and the Flat Roof were replaced in 2016. In the Fall of 2018, our church parking lot, which had lived through 44 years of hot Oklahoma summers and many icy winters, was replaced entirely. The restrooms saw a complete renovation, and the lighting and sound system of the church were upgraded and replaced, respectively.
The church has continued to experience tremendous growth in her population. She has recorded outstanding success and progress all through the years. To God be the glory.